
Below are the decisive battles from Sir Edward S. Creasy's The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, first published in 1851. Creasy lived from 1812 to 1878. (These are the battles alluded to in the Major General's patter song in Gilbert & Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance.)

  Battle Date War
1. Marathon BC 490  Persian-Greek Wars
2. Syracuse BC 413   Peloponnesian Wars
3. Arbela (Gaugamela) BC 331   Alexander & Macedonian Conquests
4. Metaurus BC 207   Second Punic War 
5. Teutoberger Wald AD 9   Roman Empire Wars
6. Chalons-sur-Marne 451   Roman Empire Wars
7. Tours 732   Moslem Conquests
8. Hastings 1066   Norman Conquest of England
9. Orleans 1429   Hundred Years' War
10. Spanish Armada 1588   English Spanish Wars 
11. Blenheim 1704   War of the Spanish Succession
12. Pultowa (Poltava) 1709   Great Northern War
13. Saratoga 1777   American Revolutionary War
14. Valmy 1792   French Revolutionary Wars
15. Waterloo 1815   Napoleonic Wars

More on Creasy's battles

Mitchell's extension

  Battle Date War
16. Vicksburg 1863   American Civil War
17. Sadowa 1866   Seven Weeks War
18. 1st Marne 1914   World War I
19. Stalingrad 1942   World War II, Eastern Front
20. Midway 1942   World War II, Pacific

My suggested additions

  Battle Date War
  Adrianople 378   Roman Empire Wars
  Manzikert 1071   Roman-Turkish Wars
21. Inchon 1950   Korean War
22. Dien Bien Phu 1954   French Indochina War
23. Tet 1968   Viet Nam War

More decisive battles